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NEATA Network Meeting in Reykjavík

The NEATA Network Project reached its final stage in Reykjavik from 10th-12th of October.

During the last year, the representatives have worked on strengthening the network as well as investigating new ways of working with amateur theatre, across borders in the Nordic/Baltic Region.

The outcomes will be shared later, but for now we say a big thank you to all participating countries, organisations and representatives.

We leave Iceland, and the Network Project, with a strong sense of possibility. Through the project we have succeeded to create an important stepping stone towards cultural exchanges in amateur theatre and look forward to expanding on this work in years to come.

A special thank you goes out to Bandalag íslenskra leikfélaga and Hörður Sigurðarson for hosting the final meeting in Reykjavik and to Nordic Culture Point for funding the network project.

#nordicculturepoint #neatatheatre

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