The NEATA Network Project gathered for its 2nd meeting from 13th-15th of march. The project was honored to be hosted by the amazing Lithuanian National Cultural Center in Vilnius and of course by our local representative Auksė Antulienė and her organization.
Participating in the meeting was also President of the International Amateur Theatre Association, Aled Rhys-Jones. He shared some of his visions and perspectives on international collaborations as well as history and insights into the workings of AITA/IATA.
The representatives used the meeting to look into the future, discuss, and dream up new possibilities and collaborations within the NEATA region. The Network Project concludes with its final meeting in October in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Thank you to all representatives and participants for some fruitful and inspiring days in beautiful Vilnius, and to Nordic Culture Point for supporting the network project.

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